Once you’ve made the wonderful decision to bring a princess into your child’s life for her special day, you have a few more things to do to make sure this birthday party is the most magical event of her young life! The Princess Party Co. in Nashville is here for you every step of the way, and we want to help you have an amazing, stress-free party for your little girl!

What Comes After You Reserve Your Princess

Complete Your Questionnaire

The Princess Party Co. in Nashville is committed to providing you with an absolutely perfect event. How is this possible? Well, it’s as simple as this: we listen to your needs and pay attention to all the little details of your child’s big day. The way we gather this necessary information is by sending you a short questionnaire to complete shortly after you reserve your party date. While we know this isn’t the most exciting use of your time, filling it out will go a long way toward giving your child the party of her dreams! You’ll have to let us know certain pertinent information like the address of your home or venue, the date and time of your party, and facts and details about your child so we can make sure we know everything we need to know about her. We’re always happy to help you complete your questionnaire, so give us a call if we can be of assistance!

Create and Send Your Invitations

Much like your questionnaire is full of the facts we need to know to prepare your party entertainment, your invitations will outline everything your guests need to be aware of for the big day! Make sure to include the date, time, address, and an email for RSVP. The fun part is designing and personalizing the invitations to make them look exactly how you want to. You have several options for invitations, including basic pre-made ones from a party store, customized ones from an online shop, digital creations emailed to your guest list, or handmade ones you and your child work on together. You will want to send them out with plenty of time before your party so the majority of your invited guests will be able to attend.

Decorate for a Delightful Day

There is nothing more special or exciting for a little girl than seeing her normal living room transformed into a fairytale kingdom for a day! Using your princess visitor as inspiration for your decor, you’ll be able to make this happen easily and inexpensively. The classic princess characters all have signature color palettes that will serve as a great base for your decorations. If Cinderella is coming over, pastel blue and white will be lovely for balloons, streamers, and tableware. Is Belle on her way? Cheerful gold and red hues will make her feel right at home! Peruse social media or the aisles of your local party store for even more ideas. Even if you don’t want to go overboard with adornments, small and simple touches will go a long way toward making your home fit for a royal visitor.

Bake a Cake!

If you’re choosing to treat your little girl and her guests to a delicious cake confection, begin planning your design as soon as possible! Princess party cakes range from simple to elaborate, but let’s face it—you can’t go wrong with any kind of cake. Since it’s her special day, let your little girl decide on the flavor, but it might be a fun (and delicious!) idea to have the look of the cake be a surprise. Maybe you want to stick with a basic sheet or layer cake, or maybe you want to go all-out with a towering castle or gown-shaped cake. The possibilities are endless! Your princess visitor’s signature colors will come in handy again while you are deciding on frosting and decorations. Make sure to get a picture of the beautiful cake before it’s gone!

Prepare Your Party Favors

A small token of gratitude from your child to all her friends will be a lovely parting gift as they leave her princess party. Just the thought of getting to take home a treat will delight any child, so don’t feel like you have to provide expensive items. Simple things like wrapped candy are always a hit, or you can provide party favors that match your princess theme to help them bring the magic home. A fun idea is to give the children something to customize as an activity during the party, like a crown or a magic wand, to take home as their favor. Provide them with plastic gems, glue, glitter, and any craft supplies you can think of to help them personalize their very own fairytale gear!

Tell Your Guests to Expect a Princess

It’s often a good idea to let the other parents know that a princess visitor will be present at your child’s party. They may need to prepare their children to interact with an unfamiliar guest. Telling them in advance is also a great cue to have them send their child in costume for fairytale fun! You can even include on your invitations your child’s wish to have her friends arrive dressed in their best fairytale clothes to make sure everyone gets the memo. You’ll be able to get amazing photos when you have a room full of little princesses and knights! The more prepared your guests are for the special occasion, the less stressful it will be.